I asked the service-delivery staff what they do to deal with the stresses of their work. Here are some of their answers:
Miriam Fredericks: "I believe in
using what is accessible and does not cost much. So, venturing into our garden here at the back of the Trauma Centre when overstressed and taking in the beauty around, the view of the mountains and watching the birds.
In summer, swimming just does everything for me. Now, in winter, I walk along the beach front - it’s the same - the views are stunningly beautiful and the mountains again I find very inspirational and awesome. The sounds of the waves are melodic and in the Cape storms they are truly majestic.
But now the best for last, I know it is not always practical, but introduce a child into the family. We have recently had a new addition and she is such a joy to all! A centre piece of attraction, I lose myself in playing with her, in cajoling and just being with her, and it even brings everyone together: there are more visitors as we call one another when she is around and just celebrate the sheer blessing of life!"
Gugu Shabalala: "For me a good Friday out with friends helps me forget and keeps me entertained. Also a good book about powerful female relationships and good wit (and at the moment Marian Keys is the lady of the moment in terms of authors) acts as an escape from everything else. Oh and a good season of "UGLY BETTY" also helps (I find it very funny) about the vanitys of this world."
Carmen Low-Shang: "When I get home from a very busy day at the office, I drop my bags, get onto the floor, and laugh and play with the little kids.Gives me the giggles just thinking about it."
Margaret Green: "I watch TV - movies; DVD's, football, cricket and Isidingo. This distracts me from all the horrors of the day. Lately, I was told about a wonderful DVD shop. This place will keep me going for years! Currently, I am working my way through 7 series of "The West Wing" - very clever and funny; and sometimes poignant and moving.I also go to yoga twice a week - it's body-mind nurture; and I try to get out into nature for a beach or country walk at least once a week."

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